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<span>Ok folks. We are here and in the paddock. We have a BIG nice high and so far dry paddock. Weather is perfect so far. So, when you are coming down the main entrance after registration you will see a sign on drivers left stating Kastner Cup and telling
you to turn right down one of the pit roads. Do that. <span id="🙂">🙂</span> A little bit down on the right you will see our area marked of with caution tape. Park your rigs anywhere in that grass area. I have a couple small area marked off to use for official
Kastner Cup stuff, just don't park there. We have "some" spots in the South West corner of the paved paddock. If you want to park there (first come first serve) just notify the SVRA parking officials that you are Kastner Cup and want to park there and they
will guide you to those spots. We are really golden in the grass areas though. People are arriving steadily.</span></div>
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