<html><div>I have a TR2 to early TR3 starter that has been on my shelf for over 30 years and I have no need for it. Motor spins, but the usual coupling needs to be replaced. Before I eBay it, I figured that I would see if any FOTers were interested. Please let me know if you have any interest. Joe(B)</div></html>
<br><br><font SIZE="2" color="#000000">____________________________________________________________</font><br><a style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL3232/55e3539fb4982539f19b4st03duc" target=_blank><font face="Arial"><font color="#004080" size="3"><b>Buffett’s New Enemy</b></font><br><font color="#000000" size="2">Buffett just confirmed his worst fear. Click here for his warning.<br></a><a style="COLOR: #000000" href="http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL3232/55e3539fb4982539f19b4st03duc" target=_blank>fool.com</a></font></font>