[Fot] Cylinder head needed

Brian Schirano bschirano1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 12:59:59 MDT 2024

These guys are pretty friendly and may have a head. From what I've heard
it's common and some guys run them for years if it's small .

On Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 12:00 PM Scott Janzen via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>

> OK, so I know I should be shot for bringing this up on a Triumph forum,
> but my 19 year old nephew just bought a 1970 MGB with a blown head gasket,
> and as he found out, a cracked head.  He’s now looking for a used head.
> Anybody have one and is willing to have it shipped, or is within driving
> distance of the Hudson Valley or Long Island?
> Hey, at least he likes old British cars.  Also has a Volvo 122.
> Thanks,
> Scott
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