[Fot] Bob Blake

Ponostyle ponobill at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 12:03:31 MDT 2024

Very nice eulogy. Your love and admiration for you Dad shines through. Whatever impression he made on us at the track it is far, far more impressive that he left that obvious deep love in you. Congratulations on a life well lived Bob.

> On Jun 26, 2024, at 8:49 AM, Greg Blake via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> <image1.jpeg>
>> Earlier today Robert Blake passed while resting peacefully in his home. Bob was an avid Triumph fan, having spent the majority of his life with at least one TR in the driveway, garage, or backyard. At one point, he had a 4, 4a, 6, and 8 and was on the hunt to complete the range when better judgment prevailed. Dad has been one of the quiet guys on the FOT list, mostly a sponge of information as he maintained and improved his race car between 2009 and 2022. 
>> There are so many of you that he met at the track and he no doubt left an impression as he did in all facets of his life. On the Sunday tow, he would always remark along the lines of how amazing our hobby is and how fortunate we were to be able to participate with such great people. Immensely impressed by the sense of family and friendship or maybe more like community that is built around this fleeting hobby we all enjoy. 
>> When you met him at the track he likely lent you a part or visa versa, lent a hand making a repair, or more likely cooked you dinner. 
>> As it does, cancer forced dad to thin the herd which included passing his favorite Triumph, Red No. 14 to its new caretake. He was fortunate enough to visit the track several times since the sale including a trip to his favorite track ECR to help the new owner through driver’s school with CVAR. 
>> You all were a part of one of his favorite ways to pass time, hanging with friends and working on race cars, and sometimes even driving them. I wanted to pass along the news so y’all can all waive the checkered flag for Pops one last time.
> Greg
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