[Fot] US racers heading to Mosport Tip 2

marty sukey trmarty at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 3 10:38:36 MST 2024

Also, if you are crossing the border into Canada in a MH you can poses "Bear Spray" but "Pepper Spray" is not permitted. After dancing around that question, crossing over was a breeze. No guns or weapons and no pepper spray. They did not even ask me about food.  On the food, you don't really need that much. VARAC pretty much fills you full of food and beer all weekend start to finish. As Henery said, it is a fantastic event!

From: marty sukey <trmarty at hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 12:28 PM
To: FOT <fot at autox.team.net>
Subject: US racers heading to Mosport

A tip if you are heading to Mosport with motorhome pulling a trailer and crossing into Canada from Bufalo.  I took the 407ETR back in June to avoid the Toronto craziness. I saw all the signs on the 407ETR telling me that if you were over 5000kg you needed a transponder, I assumed that was for commercial vehicles.  Boy was I wrong. On the toll rates for the 407ETR if you are over 5000kg and pulling a trailer, even noncommercial, that puts you into "Heavy Multiple Unit Vehicles". The tolls were crazy (they mail them to you) but what I did not expect was $150 in camera fees! The fees are going up in January so they will even be more. I discovered after the fact that you just need to go to the 407ETR website and purchase a transponder for $30 a year and save a bunch of money. I plan on being there in 2025 and 2026 so you can bet I will have a transponder!

Marty Sukey
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