[Fot] TR-4/6 trans top cover advice (won't go into 3rd gear)

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Sat Aug 17 16:37:04 MDT 2024

Just a quick update.  Not fixed yet, but the problem IS in the top cover 
(thank goodness).  I can shirt it into 3rd easily with the cover off, 
and on the workbench  the 3/4 rail will only let me move to 4th 
position, not 3rd position.  The covers over the detent spring are not 
the screw type, so will be a PITA to take apart I suspect.

Thanks for all the tips, and thanks Henry for pointing me to the Buckeye 
Triumphs gearbox stuff.  I'll be digging into that next trying to figure 
out how to take it apart.  I did take out the overdrive switches, they 
were not the hangup.

Cheers, Tony

On 8/15/2024 6:44 PM, Tony Drews via Fot wrote:
> At my last race, I felt entry to 3rd gear have some resistance, then 
> the resistance went away, but near the end of the weekend something 
> happened that prevents me from shifting into 3rd gear. I can shift 
> into all of the other gears just fine.  Didn't feel like a internal 
> gearbox issue (I certainly hope not, I just replaced all the quaiffe 
> goodies in there).  I've never taken the top cover apart / had to fix 
> that.  It does still have the overdrive switches in the top of it even 
> though I'm no longer running the OD.
> So... I'm planning to remove the tranny top cover this weekend and see 
> what's going on.  I probably have a spare from an unknown quantity 
> transmission from my Dad's stash, but I'd like to fix the existing one 
> if possible.  For those who have done it, how fiddly of a job is it to 
> take that stuff apart?  Any ideas what would keep it from shifting to 
> 3rd?  I have noticed increased resistance on the 3/4 shift rail since 
> my rebuild earlier this year (but didn't have time to look into it at 
> the time).
> Looking for words of wisdom from those who have been there / done that.
> In other news I have some pretty epic videos from last weekend's race 
> at Grattan coming.  Here's a appetizer from the "Genius Garage 
> Invitational": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LWlZIFA_gg
> All the best, Tony Drews
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