[Fot] Child ear protection recommendations?

Joe Boruch jaboruch at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 16 17:54:52 MDT 2024

 My son has used Banz earmuffs from Amazon for his kids.  Most any earmuff will offer good protection and are easy to use, though they can be hot.  The higher the NRR number the better the protection.  Lots of options on Amazon.  Ear plugs are not a good option for kids, since they might not fit right and would be difficult to insert  JoeB
    On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 03:09:48 PM EDT, Brian Schirano via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:  
 Hey FriendsWe have our 4 year old granddaughter coming with her folks to LimeRock June 1 to spectate us racing. I have plenty of ear plugs for her folks, but would like to get something more advanced with better protection for those young ears, plus I know loud things bother her. Any recommendations? I see kids with the big muff type but never caught a brand or spoke to anyone about them. Plus while I'm at ot my wife would like something better too.Thanks and see you soonBrian 

Brian Schirano585-305-0349_______________________________________________
fot at autox.team.net


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