[Fot] Spitfire Transmission Tailpiece replacement process

fubog1 fubog1 at aol.com
Sat Apr 13 15:15:28 MDT 2024

 Yeah it can be done, maybe with some difficulty drawing it away from the box, but when I've done it, it was on a car that has a section of the tunnel over the driveshaft notched for clearance so it comes out of the top.Better also check the driveshaft for out of balance, that's what kills them...
Glen Efinger

    On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 09:19:54 AM EDT, James Trudeau via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:  
 I’m finally getting ready to change my cracked tailpiece on my 63 spitfire race car.  My intention is to do this while engine and transmission are still in the car. Any reason to believe this can’t be done?

I’ll unbolt the drive shaft front coupler, and angle it down (as much as race exhaust in tunnel allows!). 

Loosen flange nut on output shaft. 

Put support under motor and transmission, then unbolt rubber transmission mounts and maybe steel support crossmember. 

Then fully remove flange nut from output shaft, and unbolt tailpiece from transmission. 

My concern is whether I’ll be able to slide the tailpiece back far enough into body transmission tunnel to clear the output shaft. 

I could make more room by removing the exhaust pipe and or tilting rear of motor down, but not sure what other clearance issues might arise. 

Trying to avoid overreaching my mechanical abilities!


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fot at autox.team.net


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