[Fot] Frame paint

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Thu Sep 28 00:00:04 MDT 2023

Grey will show cracks better than black.  POR is the first thing that 
came to mind for me, but it's been YEARS since I used it.

Cheers, Tony

On 9/27/2023 10:21 PM, DAVE HOGYE via Fot wrote:
> I'd suggest POR 15.  Depending on the color, the number changes.  I 
> think 15 is black.  Gray is something else, maybe 10.  Spray or brush 
> on.  I've used Rustoleum as the touchup rattle spray cans are 
> perfectly matched to the quart cans, and you can get it just about 
> anywhere.  POR products might be a little more durable than 
> Rustoleum.  If the frame is bare metal, an epoxy primer is a good 
> start, but with POR I "think" you can skip the primer.
> Dave H.
> On 09/27/2023 5:55 PM PDT McKearn McKearn via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> 
> wrote:
> Hi All.
>   It's been a long time since I've painted a frame and I'm just 
> wondering what the latest / greatest thing to use is for a race car 
> frame ? It's already sand blasted if that matters..
>    Thanks.  P.J.
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