[Fot] Race car wanted

Scott Janzen sjanzen at me.com
Fri Oct 6 10:29:10 MDT 2023

I’m still looking for a second race car to complement my GT6.  In the Triumph family, I’m interested in a TR6. Could be vintage prepared, could be an SCCA production class car.  Ideally I’d like something that is “race ready” or something reasonably close, recognizing of course that all race cars continually need work. I guess what I’m saying is I’m not looking for a total project or an incomplete car.  Blown engines, etc are fine.

Heresy, but I’d also be interested in a non-Triumph race car- sports racer, anything European, Datsuns, no formula fords.
I intend to run vintage on the East Coast, but there are a couple of events, and also clubs (HSR) where the rules allow a wider range than the traditional pre-1972 prep level.
Plz let me know if you have something or know of someone who does.
Scott Janzen

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