[Fot] https://youtu.be/0ozpulWBhlE

Ken Knight kknight at klaenv.com
Tue Aug 22 15:39:13 MDT 2023

Well the magic didn’t work so you could just click on the video.  So go to Youtube and look for Steve’s Garage.

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Ken Knight via Fot
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 1:23 PM
To: fot at autox.team.net
Subject: [Fot] https://youtu.be/0ozpulWBhlE

After a sad day learning of the loss of one of our community I thought we could all use a bit of cheer.

Attached is a video that popped up this morning from Steve’s Garage Youtube channel.  Steve races his dad’s TR3 from 50+ years ago and is a creative force.  This video will make you laugh as it is a real hoot.  Come back often and share as all his videos are interesting and will bring a smile to your face.  Ken

Sent from Mail for Windows

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