[Fot] To thermostat or not to thermostat...

tr4racing at googlemail.com tr4racing at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 11 00:48:44 MDT 2022

About no thermostat:

The thermostat is a restrictor in the system. It lowers the water speed and rises block pressure.

High block pressure is good because it avoids boiling water at hot spots. If water starts boiling the steam expands and water is maybe forced out of the filler cap.

A high block pressure (higher than the pressure in the filler cap) gives some safety. That’s why many people take out the thermostat remove the valve from it and just do the plate back in place to still have back pressure…created by the speeding pump pressing against this resistor plate.


Check the Kastner books about this subjects. 





Von: dustin nicholson <nicholsondustin at yahoo.com> 
Gesendet: Samstag, 11. Juni 2022 06:41
An: DAVE HOGYE <dlhogye at comcast.net>
Cc: Dave Riddle <Dave at microworks.net>; Dave Riddle via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>; tr4racing at googlemail.com; Philip Gott <vfracing at aol.com>
Betreff: Re: [Fot] To thermostat or not to thermostat...


I haven’t seen any response to part of the original question of running without a thermostat. 


Here’s my experience with that idea. When I was 16 I had a very tired 1296 Spit with the narrow radiator, small fan, and no overdrive that threatened to over heat on hot Texas summer days. I “fixed” it within my budget ($0) by removing the thermostat. It worked great around town, but cruising on the Highway (4,500 RPM at 70 MPH) and it would get very hot very fast. My guess is the water was flowing too fast through the radiator and not cooling off before going back in the engine. 


Lower RPM’s of the pump and a better cooling system might over come that problem, but even so I’d be hesitant to run without a thermostat.

Dusty Nicholson 


On Jun 10, 2022, at 5:23 PM, DAVE HOGYE via Fot <fot at autox.team.net <mailto:fot at autox.team.net> > wrote:


I run a 180 thermostat with a plastic or Teflon restrictor that has I think a 3/8" hole in it in the bypass line to mimic the standard bellows thermostat's restriction.  Aluminum radiator, standard water pump and pulley sizes.  I'd would like to have a smaller crank pulley to slow the pump and alternator.  I use an expansion tank that fills the system and circulates coolant using the heater connections at the back of the head and return tube.  No filler cap on the radiator.  Temps typically around 190.  Both water and oil.  Street or race. 

Dave H. 

On 06/10/2022 12:18 PM Dave Riddle via Fot <fot at autox.team.net <mailto:fot at autox.team.net> > wrote: 



Brand new Aluminum Radiator from Wizard and all new hoses 



fot at autox.team.net <mailto:fot at autox.team.net> 


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