[Fot] To thermostat or not to thermostat...

Philip Gott vfracing at aol.com
Fri Jun 10 13:07:20 MDT 2022

Time to get the radiator flushed.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 10, 2022, at 2:25 PM, Dave Riddle via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> I have the thermostat housing open right now and have obtained a new 180 degree thermostat to replace the 180 degree Motorad one that has been in there since the 1990s.  The old one I put in a pot and saw it open when I heated the water but It is still suspect.  Here in the Phoenix area it is the rare day that we really need to be concerned with ambient temps leading to prolonged engine warm up conditions. Lately I had noticed that when running for prolonged times at Freeway speeds (+75 at 3500 RPM) the temps would quickly reach +230 and if I jumped off the Freeway and moved at surface Street speeds of 45 even with Stop and Go streetlights within a mile or two the temps had dropped back to between 210 and 220.
> Should I look at using a 160 degree thermostat or just ditching one altogether?
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> Dave Riddle
> Business IT Consulting
> Office: 480-610-8234
> eMail: dave at microworks.net
> Website: http://www.microworks.net
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