[Fot] Free spitfire racer project

Susan Kahler spitfiresuz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 15:15:36 MST 2022

Hi everyone!

Well, my hopes for this little guy have not been working out (wanted to get
a group of youngsters together to wrench on it to put it together and
autocross it when done, so they could learn general automotive, wrenching,
discipline, car handling and competition skills), and it needs to go to its
next new home. Thank you so much to Jason (and Scott) for the opportunity,
but I will now pass it along gratis to the next person who would like to
take a stab at it. (Now I need to go find what I did with those log

It is located in central Ohio - please email me directly if you are


Susan       :)

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 12:28 AM Jason Sukey via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>

> The time has come to let this project go.  This is the (1965?) Spitfire
> that I picked up from Scott Barr a couple years ago.  I've made close to
> zero progress forward on it, and I need to open up the space in the
> garage.  There are log books going back to the late 1960s.
> Includes 10 gal fuel cell with new foam (July 2018). I think the
> differential is a welded 4.1
> no engine or trans.  It is rolling around on stock spitfire axles.
> Located in Amherst, Ohio.  Bring your trailer, I'll help push it up there.
> Jason Sukey
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