[Fot] TR3 Race pistons and liners

Greg Blake gblake58tr3 at icloud.com
Tue Nov 9 19:55:57 MST 2021

I’ve been running a TR3 with the same Wiseco flattop 87mm pistons since 2009. I’ve rebuilt the motor twice since the initial build in 2009. Both times it was a broken crank, but the pistons survived. 

The latest version, I built in 2010, has 13:1 compression. 

This setup has proven to be extremely reliable. Last time I had the head off was in 2012. The car is pretty competitive as well.  Lately I seem to be out driving the brakes and transmission, but that’s another topic.  

I think someone else made the point already, but pick a path and be methodical in preparation and execution and you will be happy. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 9, 2021, at 9:05 AM, Erik Jacobsen via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Good morning FoT!
> Karen and I are working on the TR3 race car, and are looking for your advice on pistons and liners for it. We are attempting to build a (semi) streetable race motor for our 3. It has a Crane 244-310-8 cam, and the head has been ported and is running big valves, so we are figuring the compression should be in the 10.5-11.5:1 range. It has H-beam rods and a worked crank, but we will still keep the revs under 6500 in an attempt to keep it all in one piece. 
> There seems to be very little info on what people are running for race pistons floating around on the net.  
> Thanks!
> Jake & Karen Jacobsen 
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