[Fot] Type A OD leaks
Greg Blake
gblake58tr3 at icloud.com
Sun Nov 7 15:50:13 MST 2021
I removed my TR6 type A OD box out of the TR3 race car today. It was removed because the last time on track, it was leaking badly.
To my surprise, I found that the OD adapter plate was very loosely attached to the rear of the transmission, in fact two bolts had completed backed out and I found them when I removed the accumulator piston cover. Upon further disassembly I found that all of the adapter bolts were loose.
When I built this transmission 2 years ago, I used red locktite on all of these bolts. I also had use the thin gasket with hylomar. Has anyone every seen these bolts back out like this before? Any suggestions on repair work to make sure this doesn’t happen again?
I’m thinking of drilling all bolt heads and safety wiring all of the. Have also thought of using helicoil on all of these since they are threaded into aluminum.
Appreciate all thoughts on the mater.
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