[Fot] SECOND REQUEST - ACTION REQUIRED - Survey response needed from everybody
Joe Alexander
joealexandervintage at gmail.com
Fri May 7 06:16:09 MDT 2021
Joe Alexander
4505 Donald Dr
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Cell: 319.464.4711
> On May 6, 2021, at 8:28 PM, J.C. Hassall <jhassall at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’ll be glad to help
> —
> jim W4BEA
> Fat-thumbed from my iPhone7
>>> On May 6, 2021, at 8:55 PM, Brad Eells via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Joe,
>> Sounds like a great idea. I know a guy!
>> What say you Steve Belfer??
>> :-)
>> Brad Eells
>> Chino CA
>> #72 FP 1969 Triumph Spitfire Mk3
>> #35 DP 1962 Triumph TR4
>> 1965 Triumph TR4A IRS...for the road!
>>> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 5:17 PM Joe Alexander <joealexandervintage at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have been thinking about that. This might be good for 2022 since FOT was launched so late in the year. December.
>>> Seems like we have a lot going on. Or does Curt have a plan for Shirts?
>>> I am thinking another run of FOT Shirts with 25Th on it and dedicated to Kas.
>>> Or is that too much?
>>> Joe Alexander
>>> 4505 Donald Dr
>>> Cedar Falls, IA 50613
>>> The-vintage-racer.com
>>> Gasketinnovations.com
>>> Cell: 319.464.4711
>>>>> On May 6, 2021, at 12:08 PM, Brad Eells via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>>>> Done...we need some really good 25th Anniversary swag!
>>>> Brad Eells
>>>> Chino CA
>>>> #72 FP 1969 Triumph Spitfire Mk3
>>>> #35 DP 1962 Triumph TR4
>>>> 1965 Triumph TR4A IRS...for the road!
>>>>> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 9:50 AM yellow04 via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>>>>> Just to be perfectly clear, this is simply a housekeeping exercise to
>>>>> fill in blanks on our roster. We are not reviewing submissions in an
>>>>> effort to disqualify anybody. If you are getting FOT email, just fill
>>>>> out and submit the form so we know who you are and how you got here. You
>>>>> are all set. I know, I could have been more clear about that in my first
>>>>> message...
>>>>> If we get no response, we are assuming the email address is no longer
>>>>> being monitored, and only those addresses will be subject to review and
>>>>> possibly getting dropped from the list.
>>>>> We are trying to wrap this project up within the next 30 days or so, I
>>>>> ask that everybody click the link below as soon as they can, fill out
>>>>> the form and submit it.
>>>>> https://ccfot.com/survey/
>>>>> If you would rather email me directly, that will work too.
>>>>> Henry Frye yellow04 at tr4racer.com
>>>>> And thanks to everybody who spent the 3 minutes it takes to fill out the
>>>>> survey and submit it. No need to submit it twice, if the web page said
>>>>> your form was submitted, we have it!
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> On 2021-05-02 05:28, yellow04 via Fot wrote:
>>>>> > Come December we will be marking 25 years since the first messages
>>>>> > started flowing over mjb's server and the Friends of Triumph came to
>>>>> > be. As we all know, one of the byproducts of time is forgetfulness,
>>>>> > and as we review the list of FOT members, the list is just too long to
>>>>> > remember everybody!
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We are going to remedy that by having everybody complete a quick
>>>>> > survey. Just a couple simple questions, we are trying to get real
>>>>> > numbers on how many active racers we have, what type of racing you do,
>>>>> > and who do you race with. We also want a count of our former racers,
>>>>> > and our future racers who are building cars and working to get on
>>>>> > track. Lastly, we have our supporting members, that's you folks that
>>>>> > don't turn a wheel at speed but help us racers in any number of ways.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We put together the survey, and we need everybody to fill it out and
>>>>> > submit it. If we don't know who you are and how you are connected to
>>>>> > us, your email address will be dropped off the list. Here is the link
>>>>> > - https://ccfot.com/survey/
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This data is proving to be quite valuable for our committees planning
>>>>> > future events, having hard numbers available for negotiating is always
>>>>> > helpful. Also, because data is only good when it is current, expect an
>>>>> > annual follow up so we can keep our list up to date.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Joe Alexander and all the other guys behind the scenes greatly
>>>>> > appreciate everyone's cooperation.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Henry Frye, web lacky and he who gets volunteered to do this kind of
>>>>> > stuff
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>>>> fot at autox.team.net
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>> fot at autox.team.net
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