[Fot] Hoosier Speedster vs Toyo R888R

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Mon Dec 6 12:31:18 MST 2021

I kill a set of speedsters in less than 2 weekends of racing. The Toyo's 
last much longer for me.  Other folks seem to get more time out of their 
speedsters, but not me.

Regards, Tony Drewes

On 12/5/2021 9:18 PM, Scott Janzen via Fot wrote:
> Hoosier now makes a 205/60-13 speedster.  I’ve been running the Toyos 
> for years.  Any idea how the  Speedsters compare?
> I know it’s not apples to apples as there is no Toyo 60 series in 15”, 
> but I’m wondering if any of you TR4 racers have run both the 
> speedsters and the 50 series toyos and have any observations?
> Speedsters are $60 more per tire. $225 each.  Not an inexpensive 
> experiment.  Toyos heat cycle out before they wear out. How about the 
> Speedsters?
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