[Fot] Road America in September

chasgee22 at gmail.com chasgee22 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 18:55:09 MDT 2021

Great to hear Jason!  Good luck and fly the flag proudly!


> On Aug 23, 2021, at 2:23 PM, Jason Ostrowski via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> I have been reluctantly silent on FOT for far to long but have all the time been lurking in the readership of our great list.
> Friendly Ghost Racing will be there tending to the needs of 4 entries at the Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival. 
> Our team of teams will showcase the following great cars and drivers:
> In group 6: 
> #14 The Cheetah, driven by master mechanic and true Triumph friend Brian Garcia. 
> In group 8:
> #27 1969 Triumph GT6+ driven by Lifelong GT6 loyalist Jason Ostrowski.
> #184 1970 Triumph GT6+ This is currently the fastest GT6 in the country. Driven by Alex Amys. In all my small niche wisdom this GT6 is eye candy and an engineering masterpiece. This father and son build upped the ante and has taken the GT6 to a higher level.
> In group 2:
> #28 round tail spitfire. Driven by Dave Amys. Wrenching for me and Alex wasn’t enough so; Dave got his comp license this year and added this wonderful Spit to our paddock for this season. Dave is having a blast getting to know the car and is driving it very well. 
> Former GT6 hot shoe John Reed will be there handing us our Helmets and making sure we all win. 
> Stop by and say hello.
> Best wishes,
> Jason Ostrowski 
> Friendly Ghost Racing
> 1969 Triumph GT6+ racecars
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 22, 2021, at 4:58 PM, Tony Drews via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> I'll be there in my TR-4.  Looked like the entry list wasn't being updated in real time.
>> Cheers, Tony Drews
>> On 8/22/2021 3:55 PM, Jeff Snook via Fot wrote:
>>> Any FOTers racing at Elkhart Lake next month?  The list of entries on the VSCDA website is pretty limited.
>>> Jeff Snook
>>> 419-344-0319
>>> www.snooksdreamcars.com
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