[Fot] Quick Jacks

Bill Babcock ponobill at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 11:35:50 MST 2020

I found a lousy picture of a different version of the racks i made with the Ambro in it—this one has two wheels per side for the base. I guess I ran out of wheels. you can’t see much, but it might help

> On Nov 16, 2020, at 7:58 PM, Ponostyle <ponobill at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don’t really see the utility. The lift height means you’re still crawling around under the car and you can’t get in from the side—only the ends. You could just jack the car up and use home-made dollies for a fraction of the cost and be able to slide under from sides as well as front and back. I have three of them I made for probably about $200 each. I also have a two post lift, and I’d say a light two post will probably fit in your garage—some are just 8 feet high. You can install them to be easily removable. I’ve seen lifts mounted on rollers. Not that big of a price difference. 
>> On Nov 16, 2020, at 6:48 PM, Joe Boruch via Fot <fot at autox.team.net <mailto:fot at autox.team.net>> wrote:
>> I bought a used 3500# QJ.  I have not tried it with my TR3, but use it all the time with my FP Miata, which is quite low.  It fits between the tires with a few inches clearance.  The TR4 wheelbase is about an inch shorter than the Miata.  I know that it fits between the tires on my TR4, since I have stored one jack under there.  Is the 5000# QJ longer than the 3500# one?  If so, that may be an issue for you.
>> It works out very well, but I have had one minor issue.  The wheels at one end of each jack unit are hard plastic and I have already broken a couple of them.  When I get a chance, I will make some out of aluminum or steel.
>> One other inconvenience is that when lifted, you can only access the center underside of the car from the front or back.  Can't just scoot under the side. 
>> The Miata gets lifted from the pinch welds.  I bought some extra rubber blocks that fit around the pinch welds.  These same rubber blocks can also be used under the TR frame.  
>> I have seen QJs used in the paddock, so one advantage is that it is portable enough to take to the track, provided that you have a generator or access to power at the track.
>> Joe B
>> On Monday, November 16, 2020, 07:55:26 PM EST, Jerry Van Vlack via Fot <fot at autox.team.net <mailto:fot at autox.team.net>> wrote:
>> I don’t have enough space to install a conventional lift in my garage so instead I’m considering buying a Quick Jack lift either in 3500 or 5000 pound capacity. I have an IRS TR4A.
>> Questions:
>> If you have a QJ what lifting capacity do you have?
>> If 5000# does it fit easily under the car (tell me what Triumph you have)?
>> Pros and cons realizing that a 4 post or 2 post is not feasible for me.
>> Any best deals that you’ve found? Currently Costco seems to have a good price on the 5000# unit.
>> Thanks. looking for feedback.
>> JVV
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