[Fot] SVRA App, to watch the Kastner Cup FAO Dan Couch

Harvey Kinnard harveykinnard at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 14:37:01 MDT 2020

Not to pick on anyone but I think some of these conversations illustrate why we  still enjoy working on 50+ year old cars. Help, is there a 12 yr old in the house?
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 26, 2020, at 2:56 PM, Joe Alexander <joealexandervintage at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ben from SVRA says he is doing YouTube. I don’t know how that works but he says he is going to hook Kas up to it.
> Joe Alexander
> 4505 Donald Dr
> Cedar Falls, IA 50613
> The-vintage-racer.com
> Gasketinnovations.com
> Cell:  319.464.4711
>>> On Jun 26, 2020, at 3:17 PM, Scott Janzen <sjanzen at me.com> wrote:
>> doesn’t look to me like this will be on you tube - though I hope I am wrong. Otherwise, there’s an app for iphone and ipad and a google app.
>> On Jun 23, 2020, at 11:59 AM, John Davaies <john.r.davies at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Mike!
>> Already, I’ve discovered the SVRA’s own YouTube channel, and the virtual Drivers’ Meeting that has already taken place online.   Tony Parella, SVRA president, was clearly proud of their initiative in live streaming SVRA meetings, so although he didn’t say so specifically, The Mid-Ohio must be aavauialbale – no need to watch on the phone!
>> All I need now is the programme of races, so I can work out when to watch.   As I write it’s 1700 here in the UK and 1200, noon, in Columbus Ohio, so three hours behind us.    Once I know when Triumphs are racing, I can be there, in spirit at least!     Please, will someone posts a programme?
>> Thanks!
>> John
>> From: Mike Harmuth <ofracer at gmail.com> 
>> Sent: 23 June 2020 14:32
>> To: John Davaies <john.r.davies at btinternet.com>
>> Cc: FoTTriumph <fot at autox.team.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Fot] SVRA App, to watch the Kastner Cup FAO Dan Couch
>> Hi John, do your phone and TV support streaming? My TV, a Roku based smart TV, supports accepting broadcasts from phones and windows PCs. I'm sure Apple does something similar, I just don't know that format very well.
>> Here's a general description of how it works
>> https://support.google.com/chromecast/answer/6059461?hl=en  
>> mike h
>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 8:05 AM John Davaies <john.r.davies at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>> Dan, All,
>>> I'm told that there is an SVRA app that live streams SVRA races, including
>>> the Kastner Cup!
>>> Great!    But my phone has a tiny screen.   Is there a way to watch on my
>>> desktop, please?
>>> John
>>> (Stuck in the UK!)
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