Shawn Frank
continuedlegacy1 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 12:51:01 MDT 2020
Hi John. We are an amateur team, but are putting up Facebook Live video on
my North American Triumphs Facebook page.
Details and mini interviews interviews, showing sights and sounds a bit at
a time.
You can view them here:
Shawn Frank
The Vintage Triumph Magazine - Editor
North American Triumphs (FKA Spitfire & GT6 Magazine) - Owner
Des Moines Concours d'Elegance - Recruiting Lead
Continued Legacy Photo - Owner
Iowa British Car Club
Drive Away Cancer Iowa - Driver
'71 Triumph Spitfire MKIV "Gertrude"
'72 Triumph GT6 MK3
'65 Triumph TR4A "Johnny"
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 9:25 AM John Davaies <john.r.davies at btinternet.com>
> Here I am, stuck in the UK, it's 0915 Mid-Ohio time, the Kastner Cup
> practice is about to start (I hope) AND I CAN'T EVEN WATCH IT!!!!!!!!
> Despite the words of President Parella in the Virtual Drivers' meeting,
> about how proud he was that the SVRA was live streaming races, there's
> nothing I can find on the Net! The SVRA pages on YouTube have nothing (var
> the Drover's meet) and Google can find nothing.
> So, I went to download the SVRA App, that has been advertised - small
> screen better than mobile screen.
> And I'm told some garbage about "My Google account not associated with a
> device"! I'm accesssing the Google Play site and trying to download the
> app on my Fire (slightly bigger screen than a mobile) that IS REGISTERED TO
> Is this some regional exclusion? You can't watch outside the US of A,
> or
> something.
> HELP! Frustrated to the max!
> John
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