[Fot] Fot Digest, Vol 103, Issue 205

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Wed Jun 24 06:21:12 MDT 2020

NC = Not Classified.  I don't think they like my brakes.  If I win I 
don't get to stand on the podium.  Dunno about MP1 though.

We sometimes use 3 digit numbers to lessen the chance that we have a 
conflict over numbers and have to change them.

Barker is father and son, two drivers.

Don't know about the duplicate numbers.

Regards, Tony Drews

On 6/24/2020 5:36 AM, John Davaies wrote:
> My thanks to Mike Harmuth, who found for me the Entry List to the Kastner
> Cup.  42 Triumphs!   FORTY TWO!!   I've never seen so many racing Triumphs
> in one place!   O! That it was forty eight, but maybe next year!
> I've been looking at the entry list and will be grateful for some
> explanation, which I need because I'm ignorant of the way US racing is
> organised.
> I think I've got the Groups and Classes  sorted, thanks to the SVRA site,
> but not two of the Groups - "NC" (95 Tony Drews' 1963 Triumph TR-4)  and
> "MP1" (11 Curt Johnston's 1979 Triumph TR7).  What do they mean, please?
> And I see three pairs of cars with the same number, including two, both
> entered by Jerry Barker.     Will Jerry have another driver for the second
> car, who will bring his own number?  And will the others agree for one to
> add another digit for the race (see below)?
> Because there are nine cars that have three digit numbers.     We see this
> in the UK in Sprint and Hill Climb events where two drivers share the same
> car, and a "1" is easy to add or remove for the second driver so that the
> timekeepers know who it is.    But no UK circuit is allowed to have as many
> as a hundred cars on track at once, let alone eight hundred!    Why the high
> numbers please?
> Looking forward to this!    Haven't seen pure Triumph racing since the
> TSSC/TRR series folded, about fifteen years ago, except for Mark Field's
> valiant single marque races at Mallory a fewer years gone by.
> Bests
> Stay well!
> John
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