[Fot] 2020 Kastner Cup Posters. Get them while you can.

Joe Alexander joealexandervintage at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 11:42:18 MDT 2020


This is last call (for a couple of weeks).  $12.50 to PayPal.  N197tr4 at cs.com

If you have made a contribution to the Kastner Cup Budget, ALREADY, just ask for one.

If you are an ENTRANT/DRIVER you will get one as a driver premium. Marty will be distributing them Thursday evening

They will be for sale at the TRACK, if you are coming, too.

Clark Lincoln’s rendering for this Kastner Cup, covers a lot of Kas’ history. It is a KEEPER & VERY COLLECTIBLE.....and the last poster produced in this SERIES. 2021 will represent a new era. I am sure someone will step forward and put together a New series of Triumph Events. We will all be looking forward to the new ERA.


Joe Alexander
4505 Donald Dr
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Cell:  319.464.4711

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