[Fot] 25th Anniversary of the FOT 2021
Phil Gott
vfracing at aol.com
Thu Dec 31 11:55:40 MST 2020
Wish I had a picture of my go kart back in the day. Came with a very tired West Bend 2-stroke engine. Pretty Hot. But I got my hands on a Honda Super 90 motorcycle engine and 4 (or was it 5?) speed transmission. Cobbled it together. Went like crazy until the motor mounts bent and the chain wrapped around the sprocket. My first-ever spin......
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> On Dec 31, 2020, at 12:57 PM, fubog1 via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Great stuff here gang, keep it up!
> I was gonna tell of my twin briggs & stratton engine kart, but it pales compared to some of these stories...!
> Glen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Jacobsen via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>
> To: fubog1 <fubog1 at aol.com>; fubog1 via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>; garygret at sbcglobal.net <garygret at sbcglobal.net>; DAVE HOGYE <dlhogye at comcast.net>
> Sent: Thu, Dec 31, 2020 12:03 pm
> Subject: Re: [Fot] 25th Anniversary of the FOT 2021
> A miracle any of us survived to adulthood!
> On Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:58:34 AM CST, DAVE HOGYE via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> In my freshman year of high school, a friend in took a washing machine apart, had the water pump in his hand and thought it looked just like a turbo charger. We thought, why not attach it to a minibike engine. Before attaching it to an engine, he somehow spun the pump up and another classmate thought he might put his finger in there. The tip of his finger shot out of the other end and hit the ceiling. We thought that was pretty funny. I still do. A pencil would have been a better idea.
> Dave H.
>> On 12/31/2020 6:12 AM fubog1 via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Ok so how many others used to get up extra early on trash pickup day and scour the neighborhood for junk reel lawnmowers ?
>> Glen
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Duncan Charlton via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>
>> To: Gary Schneider <garygret at sbcglobal.net>
>> Cc: fot at autox.team.net <fot at autox.team.net>; fubog1 <fubog1 at aol.com>
>> Sent: Thu, Dec 31, 2020 8:38 am
>> Subject: Re: [Fot] 25th Anniversary of the FOT 2021
>> I discovered the same as Gary did with the Tecumseh engine on my Rupp go-kart when I was 13 or 14. After about a year of this the flywheel exploded, with the heavy magnet portion deciding to end its union with the rest of the lump. I felt a big impact behind my right shoulder just before the engine suddenly lost power. I was damned lucky that the chunk with the magnet (which must have weighed 2 or 3 lbs.) bounced off the steel tubing supporting the edge of the sheet metal seat pan, saving me from a serious injury. I found the piece about 30 feet away in the grass.
>> Duncan
>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 10:39 PM Gary Schneider via Fot < fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Glen, that's great! My dad built me a go-kart out of plywood and an old reel lawnmower when I was around that size or a little bigger. I discovered my first speed mod: it went lots faster if you tied a string to the throttle and pulled it open past the governor. Turned out not for very long though, a big BANG clang-a-lang-a-lang after a few hot laps of the yard. My first motorized device and the first engine I blew up. Ungrateful little hellion. Fortunately there was no photographic evidence or body cams to capture the guilty look.
>> Gary Schneider
>> On Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 9:13:16 AM CST, fubog1 via Fot < fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Yes, yes, and yes.
>> Glen Efinger
>> ps- here's my picture in advance, the 1st racecar I ever built, my brother John is driver.
>> <glensfirstracecar.jpg>
>> -
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> <glensfirstracecar.jpg>
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