[Fot] [TR] Timing cover crank seal oil leak

Jerry Van Vlack jerryvv at roadrunner.com
Fri Dec 25 05:59:49 MST 2020

I wasn’t looking for any political responses to my question. Please keep those to yourself. Not appropriate here.

From: glewis999 at aol.com 
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2020 7:47 AM
To: jerryvv at roadrunner.com 
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net ; fot at autox.team.net 
Subject: Re: [TR] Timing cover crank seal oil leak

Trump is on the way out, great relief to the world.

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On Friday, 25 December 2020, Jerry Van Vlack <jerryvv at roadrunner.com> wrote: 

  I run a thin belt conversion and have an oil leak from the timing chain cover. New seal at rebuild 2 years ago. Leaked from initial startup but now getting worse. I know about speedy sleeves and might try that. 

  My question is this. Has anyone else experienced excessive leakage while using the thin belt conversion? The Moss instructions imply that the seal rides on the spacer installed behind the damper pulley. 
  Has anyone found a double lip seal replacement to the standard supplied seal and if yes do you have a reference P/N?

  Thanks and Merry Christmas. The New Year has to be better than 2020.

  ** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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