[Fot] Fwd: Overdrive gearbox oil

van.mulders.marcel at telenet.be van.mulders.marcel at telenet.be
Wed Aug 19 15:41:31 MDT 2020

Van: "van mulders marcel" <van.mulders.marcel at telenet.be> 
Aan: "Russell Westfall" <rwestfall at ymail.com> 
Verzonden: Woensdag 19 augustus 2020 23:39:32 
Onderwerp: Re: [Fot] Overdrive gearbox oil 

I believe most Triumph owners agree that engine oil can safely be used in the gearbox wether or not it has an overdrive. For some time I use Mobil 1 5w-50. 
There is some concern about the Zinc content in GL5 EP (extrem pressure) diff oil. GL5 oil has about twice as much Zinc in it compared to GL4 (so will GL 4 oil also eat the yellow parts, but only 2x slower?) 

Van: "fot" <fot at autox.team.net> 
Aan: "fot" <fot at autox.team.net> 
Verzonden: Woensdag 19 augustus 2020 23:25:31 
Onderwerp: [Fot] Overdrive gearbox oil 

I am running a TR4 with an overdrive. There seems to be several opinions on the proper lube to run in these transmissions. Is there a consensus on what works best in racing applications? 
Russ Westfall 

[ https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS | Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone ] 

fot at autox.team.net 


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