[Fot] Kastner Cup 2020 - Race Movie

John Linney john at linneyweb.com
Tue Aug 11 18:41:38 MDT 2020

Here it is. I know many of you have been waiting for this, and thank you for your patience. It was a thrill to make this video of a spectacular race. Sixteen drivers hosted my cameras or gave me their footage. The result is a realtime account of this race from all those driver's seats of this race, exactly as it happened. 

So many people helped with this project, including the drivers of sixteen cars. A special shout-out to Joe Alexander, Shawn Frank, Jimmy Dolan, and of course Kas Kastner for being so generous with their time.

If you enjoy this video, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and consider supporting it so that I can do more, bigger, and better projects like this. https://www.patreon.com/classicmotorfilms

John Linney

Experience the 2020 Kastner Cup race from the driver's seat. Cameras in sixteen of thirty-two cars ensure the best angles on all the action.
The Kastner Cup is vintage racing at it's finest. Every year Triumph racers from across the U.S. gather to celebrate the golden age of sports car racing. Kas Kastner was instrumental to Triumph’s racing success in the ‘60s, and most of these cars are from that era. 
The last time an All-Triumph race was run at Mid Ohio was in 2002, the year the idea of the Kastner Cup was conceived. One of the great things about this event, is that cars which would ordinarily be in separate classes, get to race together. Finishing on or near the podium is only part of winning the cup. Drivers must also pay special attention to the presentation and preparation of their cars. 
Like many similar events in 2020, the lock-down situation affected what was planned to be the largest ever Triumph field of racers at sixty plus entries, including five from the UK. Nonetheless, the Kastner Cup still achieved a more typical thirty-two entries from all over the United States.
Sixteen cars provided on-board video for this unique look at vintage racing from the driver’s seat. Every piece of action is shown in real-time, so that we can experience the close fought racing and hard-won positions precisely as it happened. 
If you enjoy this video, lease consider supporting me on Patreon. Every little bit helps me to keep making these films. 
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