[Fot] Nominations

Brian Schirano bschirano1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 09:36:24 MST 2019

Hi All

I have three Triumph affectionados who really should be in FOT hereby

Ron Scott (ronmscott1140 at gmail.com)
Aaron Schirano (ASchirano at gmail.com)
Art Lipp (lipp04 at yahoo.com)

Some of you know one or more of these guys.
Ron and I co-own the yellow #28 TR6, my son Aaron runs once per year. Ron
will run it at the Kastner Cup 2020
My son Aaron helps on both the TR and my GT and then as I said, usually
runs the TR once per year
Art is a true Triumphvirate, former racer, now Triumph restorer and crewman
for Ron or I this track or that. Actually, Art pointed me to Joe Alexander
a few years ago when I needed advice on locating someone to lighten a
flywheel and I think it was Joe who nominated me.

There you go

#26 Blue/White 69 GT6
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