[Fot] Too much clearance on distributor drive gear

DAVE HOGYE dlhogye at comcast.net
Tue Mar 19 09:02:49 MDT 2019

I had a friend turn the pedestal down on a lathe enough to ad shims to adjust the clearance and set the clearance with a dial indicator from the bottom with the engine turned upside down while on an engine stand.  I think I set it close with something like .0025" clearance.  

Dave H.

> On March 19, 2019 at 5:45 AM John Styduhar via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>     IMO, if you have too much end float (without packing) you either have a heavily worn distributor drive gear bush (in the block) or the bottom of the distributor pedestal which bears against the side of the gear is worn.  I have always had to add some "packing" under the pedestal to get end float.  BTW, I never found the instructions in the manual a very accurate way to determine end float. 
>     On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 12:57 AM timmmurphh--- via Fot < fot at autox.team.net mailto:fot at autox.team.net > wrote:
>         > > 
> >         On page 1.130 and 1.131 of the Workshop Manual it describes the procedure for obtaining the correct clearance or float for the distributor gear driven by the camshaft.  It gives two scenarios: one where there is interference of the gear and the bushing; and a second where there is not enough clearance or float.  What it doesn’t consider is if there is too much clearance between the gear and the bushing.  That is the case on my TR4 engine.  I had 0.016 clearance and added a 0.010 shim under the gear to get the desired 0.006 clearance.  Has anybody else had this experience?  And what did you do about it.
> > 
> >          
> > 
> >         Tim Murphy
> > 
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