[Fot] FW: VSCCA White Mountain Vintage Grand Prix August 2 - 3... Expanded Entry Opportunities

Clark W. Nicholls cwnfot at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 05:22:22 MDT 2019

Unique opportunity for anyone with an eligible racecar. 


Clark W. Nicholls
1974 Spitfire (FM14571U) 
www.botchagaloop.net for old racing photos
"Reality, it's not what you think."


From: Clark W. Nicholls [mailto:cwnicholls at aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 7:17 AM
To: cwnfot at gmail.com
Subject: Fwd: VSCCA White Mountain Vintage Grand Prix August 2 - 3... Expanded Entry Opportunities



 <https://mailchi.mp/f404f681f0ab/vscca-white-mountain-vintage-grand-prix-august-2-3-expanded-entry-opportunities?e=ed81ba2b80> View this email in your browser


Important announcement regarding the 

VSCCA White Mountain
Vintage Grand Prix
Friday- Saturday, August 2-3, 2019 at
Club Motorsports, Tamworth NH





*	In order to make sure the club covers its costs regarding the WMVGP at Tamworth the board has decided to open up car eligibility and invite members and non-members alike with cars that meet the following criteria:
*	Cars manufactured up to 1970
*	Front engine
*	Four (4) cylinders
*	Original body configuration (no spoilers, fender flares, wings). Short windshields or Brooklands-type windscreens acceptable.  Bumpers are not required. 
*	Treaded tires, no low profile or unusually wide.  Hoosier TD and TDR acceptable under new VSCCA regulations.
*	Muffled – there is a sound restriction of 92dB which is local ordinance
*	Have a current logbook issued by a VMC organization, or
*	Meet existing VSCCA car regulations

Entering Drivers must meet the usual VMC guidelines – current VMC license, current medical, not on probation with any club.
The first 20 non-members who enter cars meeting those criteria will be accepted into the event, after that there will be a waiting list. 





We hope you will enter your VSCCA eligible car however you are welcome to enter a car you have that meets these guidelines and please encourage friends that have these types of cars to enter.
If you have questions or know of someone who might be interested please contact Event Chair Mark O’Day at  <mailto:mdoday at comcast.net> mdoday at comcast.net or 603-580-5827.  Photos of the aforementioned cars would be appreciated. 
VSCCA members can enter online at vscc.org or members and non-members can send an entry and check for $450 to Mark O’Day at 61 Wild Pasture Road, Kensington, NH 03833.  









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