[Fot] Odd request - MGB side windows

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Fri Feb 22 18:39:48 MST 2019

For those curious I've attached a pic Jim sent me.  Old work buddy, long 
retired.  This car is mid-engined, tube frame (he built frame, 
suspension, did all body work) with a Honda vtec powerplant with custom 
computer stuff for more power.  He built it with a custom fiberglass 
body but the state wanted a kazillion dollars to title it.  He bought a 
$500 MG Midget with title / vin plate and rebodied it with that.  Take 
THAT Illinois dept of revenue!  Heh.

Regards, Tony

On 2/22/2019 1:08 PM, Scott Janzen wrote:
> I’m trying to picture a Midget with lengthened doors.  Is the whole 
> car lengthened?  Sorry, can’t answer your question - no MGBs in my garage.
> On Feb 22, 2019, at 12:03 PM, Tony Drews via Fot <fot at autox.team.net 
> <mailto:fot at autox.team.net>> wrote:
> Anyone have access to the dark side who can measure the length of a 
> MGB side window?  I've got a buddy who is building a car with a MG 
> Midget body with lengthened doors who is wondering if MGB side windows 
> might work for him.
> Thanks in advance, Tony Drews
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