[Fot] free entry into the Triumph race at the Glen?

John Styduhar johnstydo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 17:57:34 MDT 2018

SVRA will designate the cars but I'm expecting they will send all the
racing TRs that have registered for their event to the downtown grid on
Franklin Street for the re-enactment.  They work with the city's event
coordinators as they have in the past.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 3:26 PM vfracing--- via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>

> looks like we need a personal invitation?
> Phil Gott
> vfracing at aol.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Harmuth via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>
> To: FoTTriumph <fot at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Wed, Oct 31, 2018 11:50 am
> Subject: [Fot] free entry into the Triumph race at the Glen?
> I received this from SVRA today. They're not my normal race group but this
> seems like a good deal. Anyone else going?
> mike h
> Please accept this personal invitation to bring your
> *1963 Triumph Spitfire*
> to the Triumph Reunion at our 2019 US Vintage Grand Prix
> which includes FREE ENTRY*
> Dear Mike Harmuth,
> I am excited to tell you about a brand new program that is being launched
> for SVRA’s 2019 race season. Since acquiring SVRA, it has been my goal to
> fund SVRA through sponsorships and engaging spectators, not just by the
> entry fees paid by our racers. This year we are taking a big step with the
> launch of our Reunion Program.
> At each of our SVRA events, we will host a Featured Marque or Featured
> Group. All hosted participants will receive special event entitlements
> including, “*Free Entry*” into the Sprint race. Each hosted entrant will
> run two sessions on Friday and Saturday with their normal SVRA run group
> and a Sunday 30 minute Reunion Race and Fan Walk. Each feature entrant will
> receive a Reunion Group photo and Hero Cards to pass out to kids so they
> can collect them and learn about your car. The Feature Marque/Group will
> also be highlighted in the event program and on the poster. We really are
> serious about you being the featured show for our spectators.
> For the US Vintage Grand Prix, we are hosting an Triumph Reunion. Please
> click the link below to enter the race. You will be responsible for the
> optional activities like; the test day, enduro and dinner tickets. The
> Sprint race will cost $100 but we will issue a $100* dollar check to each
> entrant that takes the green flag in Sunday's Triumph Reunion race. This is
> a first step at being able to offer free entry to our featured groups. It's
> my hope that someday, SVRA will be able to offer free entry to several race
> groups on the same weekend.
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