[Fot] Mufflers?

yellow04 yellow04 at tr4racer.com
Tue Oct 9 03:28:49 MDT 2018

I made up a second exhaust system with the Moroso spiral muffler for the 
TR250 when we went to Palmer Motorsports Park. Track management was busy 
telling people they were too loud, but never approached me. I felt I was 
down a couple of HP, but didn't attempt to tune to the restricted 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Bob Kramer
> I have had good luck with them too.

>> From: Steven Belfer
>> I use a moroso spiral-flow. No baffles, just a spiral passageway that
>> takes the high-end rasp out of the sound

>>> From: Brian Dennis via Fot
>>> Subject: [Fot] Mufflers?
>>> What are folks using on GT6 to get noise down to 98db

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