[Fot] Blackhawk Car Classifications

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Mon May 22 23:22:44 MDT 2017

Don't overthink it.  TR-3's are typically 2C or maybe 2B, TR-4's are 
typically 2B despite being a bit over the displacement of the 
cutoff.  They try to group cars with similar speed in the groupings, 
2A goes up to 4 liters so we're closer to the 2 liter cutoff.  And if 
you get it a bit wrong in registration it doesn't really matter.

Regards, Tony

At 12:55 PM 5/22/2017, Jeff Snook via Fot wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00F8_01D2D303.0CC6E650"
>Content-Language: en-us
>I just checked registration and the VSCDA class listings, and am 
>confused.  My TR3 with a 2.2L engine is listed as Class 2C, however 
>VSCDA lists Class 2C as under 1600cc.  As I interpret VSCDA classes 
>I should be Class 2A, over 2L.  Interestingly enough many of the 
>TR4s are shown as Class 2B, up to 2L (and I know many have 2.2 
>engines like me!).
>Maybe someone can get this cleared up before the event.  Looking 
>forward to racing at the K-Cup again.
>Jeff Snook
>fot at autox.team.net
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