[Fot] Summit Point Trailer 4 minutes

Joe Alexander n197tr4 at cs.com
Sun May 21 19:43:11 MDT 2017


Remember Summit Point?

John Clancy Productions joined us.

Brilliant DVD came out of that with multi panel editing.

John did another trailer and has a special offer on his titles.

See the YouTube link below: great footage of you guys racing. I wish John and his wife could be with us at Blackhawk.

> From: John <bfcc at hotmail.co.uk>
> We can't believe it's been two years since we were last over for the Kastner Cup.  I ran the DVD recently - which is not something I ever do once I've finished a release - but I thought it was really rather good.  It got me thinking though and as a result I've just this week assembled a new preview as I was never happy with the original.  Hopefully we can use this to promote the upcoming race.
>  https://youtu.be/WEwzLx99kls
> John.
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