[Fot] Cheers to Kas Cup Participants

Kenneth Knight kknight at klaenv.com
Tue Jun 27 13:31:49 MDT 2017


A big thanks to the organizers of the Kastner Cup, the track was very fun
and I enjoyed our run.  A hardy congratulation to Jeff Snook, great car and
a great drive.  I just looked and we have a good in-car video that I will
try and get up on YouTube soon.


Hope all made it home safely with no drama.  We left Sunday at 1 pm for Las
Vegas and got home Thursday morning at 10 am.  It was mostly event free
towing home and we took the southern route down through the middle of Kansas
to Dodge City, on to New Mexico and west on I-40 to Kingman (all old Route
66) before the turn to Nevada.  Wednesday going into Flagstaff, AZ our dash
AC started to get warmer.  To be on the safe side we stopped for the night
and did not run it the last 225 miles, just got up very early to beat the
heat.  LV was 116 f at 3pm the day we arrived.  All the gear is put away and
#16 is in the bay waiting for the Fall VARA season.


Great to see all our old east coast friends and make some new racing
buddies.  Kas and Peggy always make it special!


Cheers to All


Ken Knight

#16 TR-4


PS:  If Barry Munson gets this I emailed to see if you made it back to
Canada ok and it bounced back.  Do you have a new email?  Contact me

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