[Fot] vibration

kkjjk at aol.com kkjjk at aol.com
Fri Jun 9 05:35:05 MDT 2017

 I have a significant vibration with my GT6 which occurs only at speed, in 4th gear starting about 300-400 before redline (approx 6600 RPM).  In any other gear to redline there is no problem, so it is related only to speed.  I had the driveshaft universal joints replaced and balanced with no change in the vibration.  The tires are brand new and balanced as well, although I did have a bit of shaking of the car, so I will have them re balanced again.  But I need to know what I should look at next to find the solution to the problem.  The diff?  Rear axles? And what items specifically?  I have to back off a bit near the end of the straight at Summit Point due to this problem, which sucks.  A longer straight at another track would be even worse! Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks- Jay De Pol
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