[Fot] TR4 Lemons race car project restarting

Andrew Packard apackard68 at att.net
Sun Jan 8 16:46:05 MST 2017

Thanks for reply.  We have GT6+ engine. We'll be using all TR6 stuff for the throw out bearing so hopefully few issues there, but we'll keep track of this additional potential issue.

On Jan 8, 2017, at 6:20 AM, Scott Janzen wrote:

> I also run a Tr4/6 box in my GT6.  As Andy says, you need the TR6 engine plate, and probably an extended pilot bushing (mine extends out to the face of  the GT6 flywheel).  Clutch splines are different so you may need to use a Tr4/6/7 clutch disk, or have one made.  Though it’s expensive, the gear ratio issue can be addressed with a Moss Europe close ratio set, which greatly raises 1 and 2, three slightly and leaves 4 unchanged.
> TR6 slave cylinders mount forward/below, GT6 rearward/above - not sure how it will fit in your car.  Modifications are needed to the shifter fork and shaft to accept the tapered bolt from the reverse direction for the GT6 configuration, and a new bracket to hold the slave cylinder.
> The TR6 box is bullet-proof compared to the GT6 box - do not consider going that direction.
> Timing chain/gear - I think they are interchangeable - look on the Wishbone Classics website or call Scott Harper at Team Triumph or any other supplier.
> I assume you are starting with the later GT6 engine - not the early narrow port engine?  GT6+ should be the later/better one.  
> On Jan 8, 2017, at 8:08 AM, Jason Sukey via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Hi Andy, 
> I ran a TR gearbox in my GT6 street car for quite a few years.  The gear ratios aren't as sweet as the GT6 box, but it's a nice stout piece.  The TR6 rear plate is what you need.  I'd stick with the GT6 flywheel though, it's lighter than the TR flywheel.  They use the same pressure plate, so no worries, just use a TR6 clutch disc.  You will need to make a custom pilot bushing. 
> Jason Sukey
> On Jan 8, 2017 12:18 AM, "Andrew Packard via Fot" <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Hello from Bay Area:
> We have finally restarted our TR4 24 hours of Lemons race car project.  Initially we were going to use a rotary drive train from an RX7, but have since abandoned that and returned to a Triumph drive train.  Thanks to Jeff Durant, we now have a GT6+ engine.  We have a 4 speed TR6 tranny to start, but after a test fitting on the GT6+ engine it's a close but not quite a fit.  The main concern is that the starter mounting area does not match up.
> What are the options for this combo?  Do we need to use TR6 flywheel and rear engine plate to make this pairing work?  Have other used this?  What alterations/combos are required to make this work?
> Second question:
> I do not see two row timing chain and sprockets for sale for the GT6+.  Are the TR250/TR6 components compatible?
> Thanks for the support of the group as we work through our issues to get a 100% Triumph powered TR4 on the track!
> Andy Packard
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