[Fot] Herman Van Den Akker

Glenn Franco brakey6666 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 06:27:08 MST 2017

Sad news in regards to Herman's passing.
We enjoyed his company at the VTR conventions. I admired the fact that he
and his wife drove his TR250 across the country to the many VTR's he
I installed one of his 5 speed conversions on one of our club members TR6.
Very well designed and executed. He was always available for questions on
the installation.
Glenn Franco

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Chuck Arnold and/or Kathleen Kelley via
Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Thank you Ken for letting us know.  I am saddened by his departure.
> Bought thekit for the street car and the throw out bearing for the race
> car.  While I never met hom in person, I had many long talks over the
> phone.  Like with Ken, there was never a short conversation with Herman.
> And with both of them, there was more information to absorb from these
> conversation than I was capable of doing.  They will both be sorely missed,
> Chuck
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 8:48 AM, Kenneth Knight via Fot <
> fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> FOT Friends;
>> It is with profound sadness that I let the FOT  community know that
>> Herman Van Den Akker passed away last Friday.  While not an FOT member
>> Herman was the maker of the HVDA conversion kit that allowed for a Toyota 5
>> speed to be installed in street TR’s and he belonged to several Southern
>> California TR Clubs.
>> Herman was my great and dear friend.  A master machinist of over 60 years
>> he and his wife Helen came here from Holland in the 1960’s.  He worked as a
>> machinist in the airline industry and had his own shop doing very high
>> level machining for prototypes in Simi Valley until his retirement.  Never
>> one to sit still Herman developed the transmission kit that he sold for
>> years and restored cars.  The TR-3A he did for his daughter Heide and his
>> TR-250 are some of the very best restorations in the country.  As a friend
>> Herman was generous with his time and anything that I know about machining
>> was from Herman.  Herman was a good friends with Ken Gilllanders, who we
>> sadly lost this year, they worked together on many projects.  Any of you
>> who ever met Herman knew what a character he was.
>> Herman loved a good beer and his Scotch.  So drink a cold one for this
>> fine man.  Sometime next Spring there will be a party in Woodley Park for
>> Herman.  I will keep you posted.
>> Ken Knight
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