[Fot] Charging a new accusump?

Scott Janzen sjanzen at me.com
Fri Dec 1 11:06:10 MST 2017

If all you are doing is starting it in the garage on level ground, there will be more than enough oil in the oil pan even once it gets pumped to the accusump.  Alternately, same issue on overfilling - unlikely to cause any problems, and you could overfill by one quart, then go back and and another once the accusump is filled.

I use one of the tanks pictured below to fill the system when I am starting up a freshly rebuilt engine.  This forces oil through all the galleys at over 30 PSI.  I just put in 4 quarts and put most of the oil in this way, then disconnect the hose from the oil galley and start the engine. The only problem with this one is it’s a pain to fill - Summit sells one with a bigger fill port, but more money.

BTW, Accusump will rebuild their product, though I think all that’s in there is a big o-ring.

On Dec 1, 2017, at 12:39 PM, Bud R via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:


I’ve got a question about how best to charge a new accusump. I replaced my old one because I feared it might have been compromised with some shrapnel from blowing up an engine and the fact it was a few decades old.

I’m trying to minimize the engine being started without oil pressure as much as possible. I’d like to keep it to two times. I had to start it once (to break in the new cam and lifters) without charging the accusump because I wanted to catch any “stuff” from the new engine in the K &P reusable oil filter and didn’t want the new accusump to be involved in case there was metal particles, etc. as a result of the first running. Fortunately there was none, except a tiny tiny piece of gasket that had escaped all the cleaning and block cleansing that had been done.

Now I’m ready to do one more start up and my plan is to run it so that the oil gets filtered one more time and while it is running to flip the switch (it has an electric valve)  to the accusump (2 quart) to fill it up and pressurize it. 

Question is, should I add extra oil initially before the start up (which means it will be 2 quarts over full) or fill it up once I throw the switch while the accusump takes 2 quarts of oil from the existing oil in the system?

My concerns by are using the former method overfilling can cause problems and the latter method means the system might be low on oil until I can quickly pour another two quarts in.

What to do? At this point I’m leaning towards the latter method.

Bud Rolofson

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