[Fot] TR4 tub and body panels. FREE to a good home!

davehogye dlhogye at comcast.net
Thu Mar 3 09:54:34 MST 2016

It's probably a good thing these recent freebies are not closer to me. I'd be all over them and the stuff would be pilling up around me. 
To many cars, so little time. 
The Spit race car and this TR4 shell are wonderful and generous offers. My kind of "pay-it-forward". 

Dave H. 

----- Original Message -----

From: rkramer3 at austin.rr.com 
To: fot at autox.team.net 
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2016 7:49:44 AM 
Subject: Re: [Fot] TR4 tub and body panels. FREE to a good home! 

I'd love to get this down to Texas. I have been threatening to build a TR4A by converting a TR4 parts car that I have in a shed over to a TR6 frame that I also have. I suppose I could also build a TR250 the same way since I have some TR6 inner fenders stored as well. It's a long way. Anyone have any transport ideas? One that occured to me is that if I could get it to the K-Cup I could haul it back from there. I have a 28 foot trailer that holds two TR's and maybe someone else going to the K-Cup from the midwest has a similar situation? 

Bob Kramer 
rkramer3 at austin.rr.com 

---- John Houlton <jhouathome at aol.com> wrote: 
> I have a straight, rust-free tub, fenders, doors, hoods, trunks, valance, and misc body parts to give away. It's a great start to a race or street project that I will never get around to building. It's free. I am located about 30 miles north of Minneapolis. I would prefer to keep it all together to a single destination rather than deal with parting it all out separately. Possible delivery within a reasonable distance from the twin cities. First interested party gets it all! 
> If it does not go in the next couple weeks it will go to the recycler, which would be a shame. 
> John Houlton 
> Sent from my iPad 
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