[Fot] Fwd: David Love Memorial Drivers

Dave dlhogye at comcast.net
Tue Mar 29 20:19:59 MDT 2016

I hope everyone appreciates this forwarded message.

Let's race!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: D Titterington <csrglocke at gmail.com>
> Date: March 29, 2016 at 4:40:52 PM PDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: David Love Memorial Drivers
> This is the first race of the season for the vast majority of us. Inevitably we have people who go beyond their capabilities & the result is never pleasant. No offense intended here, but we ask that you recognize your limitations: age, ability & experience.
> Additionally, if you have issues with other drivers, then stay away from them. That seems obvious, but all too often egos become bruised & emotion takes over.  "Restraint" should be the key word for the weekend.
> This is intended to be a fun experience, so please do everything you can to make it so.
> To quote from CSRG's Driver's Handbook:
> •   Check inside mirror before turn-in at every corner
> •  Check both mirrors on every exit and on all straights
> •  Check gauges twice each lap
> •  Acknowledge all flag stations on all non-racing laps
> •  Check and acknowledge Start/Finish every lap
> •  Raise hand when something alarming might affect following drivers, ie. speed change, debris, waving yellow
> Best of luck, but most of all, have fun.
> Thank you
> Jon, Steve, Locke, Dave, Ethan, Ed, Scott & Tom
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