[Fot] Road America; The results are in!

Rick Parent rick.parent at att.net
Tue Jul 19 05:18:07 MDT 2016

Coleman can make hubs for you.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Jason Ostrowski <jason at multivintage.com> Date: 7/19/16  12:18 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: triumph friends <fot at autox.team.net> Subject: [Fot] Road America; The results are in! 
Well, my feelings and results are a mixed bag of high and low.In general the weekend was a flurry of activity... The event was deep in competition, dollars and activity; In so many ways.The atmosphere at this race is as rich as it gets for the glacial hills of Wisconsin.Beauty of folks, machines, and nature were in bounty.The 50 year celebration of Can -Am was rather glorious; and made any local race you may be used to, seem like a crappy slot car track in your Buddy's basement.Our own Tony Garmey was out and quite pointy at sharp end of the Grid.He was deep in the middle of a multi million dollar battle of the big boys.He held his own in all the sessions and raced to the very front of the action. He hung on to the top five in a field of some 50 machines of power, wealth and mechanical excellence. The racing in the can-am was simply Phenomenal. In the end it was the 1974 UOP Shadows that took away the big Kitty; winning the feature race and the stealing both the visual and speed prize for the entire weekend... proving that the last years of the Can Am were indeed a thing of special greatness.
All in all, the level of preparation and the standard fare in every race group was top notch. A clean lap in most groups was rather rare due to high volume as well as obvious differences in driver ability.The Triumphs:There were only 3 Triumphs at the HUGE event.I'd have to Give the cup to Allen W. In his wonderful red TR6. he finished all his sessions and ran well all weekend. He took first prize in the downtown Racecar  beauty contest driving back to the track with the prestigious Blue Ribbon in his concourse class! Well shown and well raced>>>A+ indeed!I can't believe my own luck... or lack there of.I was really fast in my qualifying sessions. I was actually taking it easy and trying to save my car for a real Porsche Massacre in my races. And even with holding back my big cards in my 3 Qualifying sessions... I very easily set my fastest time ever at Road America... And never even had a clean lap.I qualified 17th of 62 cars for the first of 2 races.but on the way to the grid a part on my car that simply should not fail... Failed.On the way up the hill to grid myself for the race, my crew noticed a shake and a shimmer in the wheel way. When told of the shake I quickly exited the grid and motored down the hill. We jacked the car up and found one of my custom "bullet proof" Quarter Master engineered Hubs broken...a big fat fail.So on the GT6 front... The song remains the same... I am very fast. And Not for lack of effort or preparation... I am once again beaten by equipment in the face of my own desire to push the car to a new limit.Perhaps with a dollar or two for every nickel I have; my troubles would be over...Quarter Master Doesn't make custom parts anymore.so our old solution is part of the good old days; and today is no longer "problem solved". Brian and I are looking at our current fabrication options now.
Which brings me to the highlight of my weekend.Brian... Racing our Cheetah wheel to wheel for first place overall in group 3.Back and forth with the McKee of a fellow named A.C. all race; changing position frequently.Brian was in first place on the final lap. Going into turn 5 the rear suspension Broke! The Tire was punctured as it rubbed against the frame rail.With Balls, and a will, and our always dream....Like a sick NASCAR Nightmare...He kept going for 2 miles with rubber flying and blue smoke a blazing.The tire fell off the rim on the front stretch as he took the checkered flag for second place... finishing only inches in front of Doc Bundy!It was the best race and finish for a non pro race I have ever seen!2nd place for the Cheetah in a spectacular fashion!At the podium celebration... Even Brian Redman was at a loss for words.Our Plymouth Barracuda finished all its sessions and was handling well. It could use another couple few hundred horsepower to win...But sure was the talk of the town!Great Highs and Great Lows... That's why we play this game.Because the feelings you get from the skin you put in; take you from event to event, in a whirlwind of emotion.And you never know how its gonna play out until you flip the kill switch off.   Thanks to everyone that sent me a kind word this weekend,And to those that came to help me in person! wow!All that support was well received...Jason OstrowskiFriendly Ghost Racing          
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