[Fot] Ignition System Preferences?

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Sun Jul 10 00:14:21 MDT 2016

For my TR-4, I'm pretty sure I used Jeff at Advanced Distributors

After discussion with him, he built a Lucas 
distributor package that used points and a Bosch 
blue coil.  He's very specific about the parts 
used, and while the spark isn't as accurate as 
the crankfire setup I replaced, I'm extremely 
happy with it.  Got a spare points plate so it's 
a quick swap if I have an issue.  Runs to 7k rpm 
just fine (although I generally shift sooner than that).

Regards, Tony Drews

At 09:57 PM 7/7/2016, Joe Guinan wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0077_01D1D89A.984F1DA0"
>Content-Language: en-us
>Back in 2005 or so we had a long discussion of 
>distributor problems; broken mechanical advance 
>tabs, junk condensers, and expensive replacement 
>parts on the Mallory Dual Point units, worn out 
>parts on Lucas units that therefore became 
>ammunition in catapult battles, short life spans 
>and improper phasing for the Pertronix Ignitors, 
>misfires on the MSD units from low battery 
>charging, etc. I think the “123 Ignition” was 
>just being introduced around that time.
>So a decade or so later, what have we learned? 
>What’s working well, and what have you given up 
>on? I’m needing to decide which way to go on my 
>Spitfire. I have a couple Mallory DP’s lying 
>about and several different Lucas units I could 
>send off for refurbishing. I’ve looked at the 
>Pertronix with their rev limiter box, and it 
>seems intriguing. I’ve not heard much about the 
>Pertronix or the 123 systems in racing 
>use.  Knowing what you now know – what would you 
>recommend and what would you steer clear of?
>The Spitfire will have an 1147 this season, and 
>a 1296 is to be built this next winter. Both 
>will run Kastner A6 cam grinds that I just got 
>back from Ted at TSI. I’d look at 7000 rpm as a 
>limit for now. I’m almost completely 
>inexperienced in regards to working on ignition 
>systems, so I’d like something with a shorter 
>learning curve and a good reputation for reliability.
>Joe Guinan
>Fremont, Nebraska
>fot at autox.team.net
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