[Fot] Fwd: CSRG Late Braking News Kastner Cup

davehogye dlhogye at comcast.net
Wed Jan 27 21:43:01 MST 2016

Hello Friends, 
Attached is the latest CSRG "Contact Patch" newsletter. It highlights the Kastner Cup and I thought you enjoy checking it out. 

// Dave Hogye 
----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "CSRG" <contactpatch at csrgweb.org> 
To: dlhogye at comcast.net 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:42:04 PM 
Subject: CSRG Late Braking News 

CSRG "Contact Patch" 

Dear David, 

Registration for All Events is Now Open. 

Click on this link: Register to Enter 

Kastner Cup at the 2016 David Love Memorial 

The 14th Annual Kastner Cup is coming to Sonoma Raceway. This is the premier Triumph outing that is a must attend event for owners of the marque. If you want more information, please contact Dave Hogye: dlhogye at comcast.net , or click here to go to the Kastner Cup web site: Kastner Cup 

Members: Please help get the word out about the event to anyone you know who races a Triumph. 
Helmet Changes for 2016 

Effective the first event of the 2016 season, CSRG requires drivers to wear SNELL 2010 Certified helmets. The helmet must have the SA designation to show it is designed for automobile racing. The M designation, for motorcycles, is not allowed. 


CSRG Expanding Tech 

As of 2016 Tech Inspections will be valid for 45 days. 

That means that any car approved at the Sonoma races will automatically be approved for the Thunderhill race that immediately follows it---ASSUMING THE CAR & DRIVER COMPLETED THE WEEKEND WITHOUT ANY ISSUE---INCIDENT, WARNING, ETC. 


A major goal for 2016 is to decrease the time entrants spend in Tech. 

To that end, we want to expand our tech staff to increase throughput & to assist in the transition to 'A' & 'B' sub-groups for our first event this year . 

The additional tech recruits would work Friday from 8am to 6pm on race weekends. They would be paid $100 for those hours. 

There will be a paid Pre-Season training seminar & you will receive a Tech Inspector shirt. 

Apply by e-mail to race_director at csrgweb.org . 


New Board & Officers 

The new CSRG Board held its first meeting prior to the CSRG Membership Meeting & Dinner at Fantasy Junction 

(Photos: Darlyn Linka-Pettenati) 

President: Locke de Bretteville........ csrglocke at gmail.com 
Vice-President: Dave Olson.............. davidolson1947 at gmail.com 
Treasurer: Steve Torp...................... treasurer at CSRGWeb.org 
Secretary: Ethan Shippert................ eshippert55 at gmail.com 
Ed Lamantia..................................... piclhead at msn.com 
Scott Brown..................................... scott at scottbrowndesign.com 
Jon Norman...................................... jrnalfa at pacbell.net 


Carter Alexander Trophy Winner: 

Mike Summers 

A mentor & a supporter of CSRG---exactly what the Carter Alexander Trophy is about---helping others. Mike even shows up at races that he hasn't entered just to support the club! 

Mike races the ex-Frank Monise Lotus 23 that he saw as a youngster in the pits at the Times GP 50 years ago. He knew then that he had to own it. His other cars include a (street) Lotus Cortina, a Datsun 510 race car & a LeGrand Mk.10 FF. 


Who Is This Person? 
(Hint: He's a CSRG Member) 


CSRG 2016 Schedule 

CSRG General Membership Meeting & Dinner 
January 24th at 5:30PM at Fantasy Junction in Emeryville 

The David Love Memorial Races at Sonoma Raceway 
Featuring: Triumph Cars & the Kastner Cup 
April 1-3 

Thunderhill Spring Races on the Three Mile Course 
Featuring: Formula Atlantic & a Miata Group 
April 29-May 1 

13th Annual Charity Challenge at Sonoma Raceway 
Featuring: MGVR 
Sept. 30-Oct. 2 

CSRG 49th Season Finale & Dinner at Thunderhill Three Mile Course 
Oct. 28-30 

2016 Events 

April 29-May 1 
Thunderhill Raceway 3 Mile 

Formula Atlantic Reunion for Cars Through 1986, 
plus Spec Miata NA 1600 

We are organizing a Formula B-Formula Atlantic Reunion for the S pring race that will include cars through 1986 (Ralt RT4s for ex.) on Thunde rhill's East (Three Mile) course. Jon Norman is the contact person for the Atlantics . The plan is to get enough entries to have an Atlantics-only Race Group with the following three car divisions: 

Formula B (with wings & period correct motors) through 1972; 1973-1979 Flat Bottom cars (Cosworth BDD only) & 1980 through 1986 "skirt" cars (Toyota or Cosworth BDD). Details will be posted on the CSRG site in early February. If you can't wait, please contact Jon Norman at: 
jrnalfa at pacbell.net 

At the same event, we will have a guest group of First Generation Miatas. Judging by the numbers from our poll, we have about 30 members who are interested in running. Additionally the President of Thunderhill, David Vodden, plans on entering. Larry Oka ( larryokaracing at gmail.com ) will be offering a CSRG discount on a Miata rental to anyone who is also entered in one of their usual cars. Remember, the point is to get enough entries to make this a viable race. It could be fun.... 

2016 Charity Challenge Sept. 30-Oct. 2 
Former Honda F1 driver Ronnie Bucknum made his name in an MGB. Tazio Nuvolari used a K3 to blow away the opposition at the 1933 Ulster TT, beating 
the class lap record seven times!!! Carroll Shelby & Phil Hill raced TCs & Joe Huffaker made (& still makes) a career out of tuning them. This event will feature all things MG. Scott Brown is the one to contact: scott at scottbrowndesign.com 

How about a Photo---from 10x8 inches up to 40x30 
A 2016 Calendar Featuring...You? 

Historic Motor Prints have been great about providing us photos of CSRG events. Moreover, they have hundreds of photos from CSRG, HMSA, SVRA, Concours, Rennsport, etc., events on their site. From the West Coast events to Mt. Tremblant & Barber, they've been there---just click on the above banner or here: Historic Motor Prints & help support the effort. 

Also, they are selling a 2016 calendar featuring photography by Dennis Gray and Bill Wagenblatt. The calendar will be custom printed including images of your car. One image of your car will be on the cover and a second image for the month of your choice. The images are 13in x 10in. 

Since Triumph is the featured Marque at the Love Memorial.... 

Triumph Story: Success By Design 

Photos from 2015 

Thanks for the Alfa GTA photos goes to Kathleen Cannon & thanks for the others to the Historic Motor Print guys, Dennis Gray & Bill Wagenblatt. 

Race Hero Live Timing & Scoring 

Follow your favorite driver via an application from the guys at MotorsportReg. 
RaceHero provides live timing, official results, entry lists and schedules automatically from your timing & scoring system to any phone, tablet or computer. Just go to https://racehero.io/ & click on "Launch the App"& pick the event you want to follow. It can't be simpler, be it on a smart phone or a desktop. 
Mo Faraz' Corner 

Mo Faraz is a young cartoonist as well as an Alfa Romeo motorhead. For more details, visit his site: www.mofaraz.com & online store: www.mofaraz.com/store 

Click here for an enlarged view: Larger image 

A Guide to CSRG on the Web 

We have just posted some 2015 photos. Click here to see them: Photos 

Old Newsletters & Contact Patches are here: Digital Publications 


1970 Winkelmann WDF2-44 Formula Ford 

Professionally built and maintained throughout its life. Comprehensively overhauled in the spring of 2013. Stripped to b are chassis, crack checked, repaired and powder-coated. New Aluminum floor. It has a fresh Ivey engine, new fuel cell, new seat, fresh paint, widened body at shoulders, new Penske shocks and new springs, rod ends, suspension bolts, donuts, oil tank and lines, and much more detail work. Fully set up, corner-weighed, bump-steered etc. Four race weekends since rebuild. It has an SCCA log book documenting it back to 92 and a continuation CSRG logbook. Asking $25,000 For details contact Dan Wardman 408.836.4537 

1972 Royale RP16 

Vintage Formula Ford chassis number 4. We have had the car since 2011 and raced it 8 weekends. It has an Ivey engine that was fresh when we got the car. The gearbox is a Webster/Hewland.The suspension has just been completely rebuilt after a 3 car tangle in 2014. The bodywork has just been stripped and repainted. It has a new nose cone and a spare. It has just been fully corner-weighed bump-steered and aligned. This car is fully race prepped and ready to go. It is an excellent example of a vintage ford ready for many more years of racing. Asking $21,500. For more details contact Dan Wardman 408.836.4537 

Brabham BT 14 Formula B Car 

1965 Brabham BT 14, s/n FL-9-65. Low Hours on Crowther Lotus TwinCam Engine Rebuild, Taylor 
Engineering Hewland Mk 9, 5-Speed Trans/Axle Rebuild. $79,500. Documented History, Spares. 
American Livery. Contact Pat Moran at 650.321.6950 or at prm18 at sbcglobal.net 

The Peerless Racing 1978 Camaro 

Beginning life as a 1970 Camaro, it was converted to IMSA specs by Craig Carter in 1974, and raced continuously in over 30 IMSA races through 1981. 
Referred to by Adam Carolla as the "Scare-maro" due to the look and sound When it passed him. Powered by an all-aluminum BBC producing over 700 hp, this car won the 1973-1981 FIA, IMSA, GT, GTX, AAGT, GTU class at the 2014 Monterey Reunion. Purchase includes test day with coaching by J.R. Hildebrand, Indycar driver. Race with Porsche 935s (and anything else) at a fraction of the cost and twice the loudness. $235,000 obo. Contact John Hildebrand at 415-706-8143 or at Johnhildebrand at comcast.net 

1969 Huffaker Winkelmann FB Xcar 

The ex-Huffaker Winkelmann Xcar 
as driven in the Formula Continental Series by Jon Woodner. This is a superb, no expense spared restoration & is one of the finest examples of a Formula B car. Fresh Hasselgren engine & FT200. Spares & set up information included in the price. For more details, click on: Xcar Details . Asking $67,500. Please contact Mark at 925.548.7495 or at: 

1959 Lancia Dagrada Formula 
Junior #001 

Concours Condition Best Offer. Click here for its history: Dagrada 
Contact Captainmarco : 415-987-1942 

Want to place an ad? 
Here are the guidelines: 

    * Ads are available only to CSRG members & are free of charge. 
    * No dealer ads. 
    * Ads will run for 4-6 CPs, depending upon volume. 
    * The ads are for race cars only. No street car ads, parts ads, etc. 
    * Adds should be 50-60 words, not including contact info.Include a contact link, be it an email address, home phone, cell phone, etc. 
    * At the very least include a first name. 
    * It would be nice to have a link to a more detailed description on another site. 
    * Include an asking price. 
    * Include a photo. 

Email your ad to csrglocke at gmail.com . 

Make sure you've renewed your membership for next season. 2016 Full Racing Membership is $150. Current members get preferential treatment if there is a car number conflict in a run group, as do people who enter early. To see if you already renewed, look at the membership expiration date in your Profile at csrg.motorsportreg.com . Even if you renewed by mail, your Profile will have been updated. Alternatively, you can call the Race Director at 888.268.7126, or email him: race_director at csrgweb.org 

Associate Member Benefits: At its July meeting, the CSRG Board of Directors agreed to the suggestion that registered Associate Members should receive two complimentary gate tickets for CSRG race events (face value $160 a year) and should have the opportunity to purchase additional tickets at the Guest of Entrant price, which is currently $10. Associate Member dues for 2015 are $60. If you are not certain whether you are registered as an Associate Member for 2014, e-mail either race_director at csrgweb.org or Registrar at csrgweb.org . 
CSRG's 50th Anniversary Celebration 
The 50th anniversary of CSRG is in 2018, but CSRG's Board of Directors want to pull out all the stops in recognition of this milestone. If you have recommendations how to properly observe this event, the Board would love to hear them. The Board has set up a fund, CSRG's 50th Anniversary Fund, and hope you or your business will make a contribution. Contact Locke at csrglocke at gmail.com if you have suggestions, questions or need donation information. 

To the land we love and the love we land, 

Mort Canard 

Miscellaneous Information 

Membership Renewals: If you can't remember whether you renewed for this season, you can check your Profile at CSRG MotorsportsReg or ask the Race Director. 

Tech inspection sheets 
You can get a head start on your Tech Inspection tasks by downloading the Pre-Tech Inspection Forms. These forms are not meant to replace the sheets you will receive by e-mail with your information packet but are provided as information and as a work sheet so you may inspect and gather all the data necessary to complete the official form. Click Pre-TechWorksheet to print your copy of the worksheet. 

Event registration 
Click here to be directed to CSRG.MotorsportReg for online registration. Be sure to bookmark or save it as a favorite for quick access in the future. Mail-in forms can be obtained by clicking on the "Event Schedule" button on our home page at www.CSRGracing.org or by clicking on: EventSchedule . Note: Mail-in entry forms are specific for each event and will usually appear on the site 6 to 8 weeks before an event. 

Entrant Packets 
All race entrant packets for CSRG events, including Tech Forms and gate tickets, will be held at Will Call outside the track security/ticket gate or at Registration. We are no longer mailing them to entrants. The packets are held in the name of the Entrant. We advise you to print a copy of the Pre-Tech Worksheet 
to make sure you have completed all the inspections and have all the information needed to complete the Tech Forms when you arrive at the track. 

Download Medical Forms 
Click on CSRGmedform13.pdf to download a copy of the form. You do not need to send in the original Medical Form with the "wet" signature to CSRG. You can now keep your original and either mail a clear photocopy or, better yet, scan the complete four page form and email it to: 
Race_Director at csrgweb.org . 
It would be wise to file the original until its medical certification period expires. The scan and email system is the preferred method, otherwise mail the forms to CSRG at P.O. Box 3223, San Rafael Ca. 94912. 
Email Race_Director at CSRGweb.org if you have problems or additional questions. 

Mailing Address: 

CSRG, P.O. Box 3223, San Rafael, California 94912. 

Medical Cards for Guest Competitors: 
CSRG recognizes current and valid medical cards as issued by FIA, SCCA (for drivers under 60 only), and all organization members of the Vintage Motorsports Council. 

New Members? 
We welcome drivers who believe in the spirit of vintage racing. Curious? Do you want to join CSRG or need more info? Email race_director at csrgweb.org or go to www.CSRGracing.org . 

Join our Mailing List! 
Images are best viewed on a large screen. Historical images are sourced from itsawheelthing.tumbler.com . No commercial gain is intended or desired by CSRG from the display of images, historical or otherwise, in Contact Patch. All rights of these images belong to and remain with their owners. 

CSRG , www.CSRGracing.org , P.O. Box 3223 , San Rafael , CA 94912 

SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ dlhogye at comcast.net 
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