[Fot] Shout Out

Duncan Charlton duncan.charlton54 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 10:07:35 MDT 2015

If this stuff didn’t come with a clear-coat film such as paint or a clear epoxy (that type cures under UV light and doesn’t last as long as clear-coat paint) it won’t take long for it to oxidize again.  I found a local place that does the polish and clear coat paint on both headlights for $80 (I’m sure the price will go up once their business expands).  I had them do just one headlight for $60 and it looks about 99% new.


> On Sep 28, 2015, at 10:18 AM, Kenneth Knight <kknight at klaenv.com> wrote:
> Hey Folks.  Just wanted to give a heads up on a couple of great companies.
> ...
> The headlight covers on my German high performance sports car, that shall not be named, were looking very yellow from the LV sun.  The Mother’s heavy duty headlight restoration kit works!  Took off that yellow glaze and they polished up like new.  Takes about an hour per side but the results are great.  Since we are all stuck with the type lights on our new cars, this is the way to bring them back for about $30.00.  It would have cost $1500 per side to replace those lens!  Makes you love the old rebuildable TR’s even more………
> Cheers, Ken
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