[Fot] CSRG Charity Challenge 584 entries and counting

davehogye dlhogye at comcast.net
Sun Sep 20 21:01:19 MDT 2015

Oops, let me take that back. 

Motorsportsreg.com lists total entries as 590, but they include duplicates and triplicates of entries depending on registration for Friday practice and memberships. 

In the end, they will probably be closer to the 250 count. Oh well. 

Group two still has a huge count at 56 entries. 

Dave H. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "davehogye" <dlhogye at comcast.net> 
To: "Friends of Triumph" <Fot at autox.team.net> 
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 12:49:53 PM 
Subject: [Fot] CSRG Charity Challenge 584 entries and counting 

Hi Friends, 

Steve Belfer and I are racing together in a couple weeks and I can't believe the numbers of entries for the event. 

The Charity Challenge has been the premier event for CSRG, but this years entry is blowing the doors off previous years. 

If I'm not mistaken, the entry for last year was closer to 300. 

There are 56 entries for group 2 where Steve and I will race. 

I'm listed and have run my past races in group one, but they had Steve in group two. I asked to get Steve in group one and they moved me instead. 

Should be an exciting weekend. 

Dave H. 

fot at autox.team.net 


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