[Fot] IRS diff overheating

Bill Babcock Bill at ponostyle.com
Tue Jun 2 16:32:07 MDT 2015

I don’t know if you’ve seen the diff cover on Peyote. I don’t remember where I got it, but it sure solved my diff overheating problems. If nothing else the sheer mass of aluminum helps, but it’s deeply finned. I’ve put temp sensing paint on it a few times and the outside of the cover never gets above 170F. the cast steel banjo never gets above 180F.  I doubt the oil gets much above 250—there’s none of toasty sulfur smell when I drain it. 

> On Jun 2, 2015, at 2:19 PM, Keith Files <keithfiles at btinternet.com> wrote:
> We use a diff cooler to avoid the problem on the TR6, a lot cheaper than continual rebuilds of the diff. I ran with one doing 3 hours of the Nurburgring Nordschleife a couple of years ago, it worked perfectly.
> Keith
> Sent from my iPad
> On 2 Jun 2015, at 20:01, Kas Kastner <kaskastner at gmail.com <mailto:kaskastner at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I had failure of all three cars at Sebring with the IRS cars. In practices the diffs overheated and puked oil out the breather tub as you describe. I laid part of it to a new diff but most to the heat generated by a disc type limited slip. The capacity of the diff is marginal for endurance running. Add to the  capacity or add a cooler. 
>> Never be beaten by equipment.
>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Greg And Alison Blake <ablake2 at austin.rr.com <mailto:ablake2 at austin.rr.com>> wrote:
>> Some of yall may have followed the social Media posts provided by our teammates through the weekend. We were racing the Beanitos TR6 this past weekend at what was to be TWS's last ever race. It was a split 16 hour endurance race (Sat&Sun).
>> We had a strange failure on Saturday. About 6 hours in, the truck was full of gear oil. I had routed a diff vent line to the trunk. Upon returning to the garage, we discovered melted poly diff mounts. Pic below.
>> I've been scratching my head on this one. Prior to boiling the diff fluid, we had zero leaks in the freshly serviced diff. I had replaced all seals and filled with STALUBE 90WT GL4.
>> I've been racing my TR3 using this same diff fluid for 6 years (replaced every two weekends). Never a problem with my vintage race car. Of course, I've never run the 3 for 6 hours straight.
>> Some of the more seasoned endurance racers asked what fluid I had in the diff. All suggested that mineral based fluid is not a good choice for endurance events.
>> I'd love to hear opinions as to the route cause of our failure and more importantly, suggested remedies.
>> As to the results, the car was running consistently 2:1x laps with a fast lap of 2:10. We ended up taking the workers choice award. Had we run w/o diff failure and a subsequent battery failure, we could have been in the hunt for a podium finish. Fastest lap in our group was 2:09.9
>> Great weekend
>> Thanks
>> Greg
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Bill Babcock
Bill at ponostyle.com
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