[Fot] Kastner Cup 2015 Update - also see note on survey response for Friday dinner

Scott Janzen sjanzen at me.com
Wed Jan 21 21:00:12 MST 2015

Time for an update on the race weekend, May 14-17 at Summit Point Raceway in West Virginia ( about 75 miles west of Washington DC) 

Racing - Registration is expected to open mid-late February.  I'll advise as soon as Vintage Racer Group posts it.  You can register the old fashioned way by mail, or on line at Motorsports.com.  Typically, there's a discount for early registration and you get a full refund if you cancel before the race weekend starts.  They also assign race car numbers on a first-in basis, so if you don't want to have to change your number, register early.  

Thursday is an optional practice day, Friday is qualifying and racing, Saturday is racing with the Kastner Cup as the last race of the day - figure about 4 or 4:30 PM, and more racing Sunday.  There is a driver's school that starts weds for novices - see the VRG website for details.

License and Rules - see the VRG website for the details  http://www.vrgonline.org/rules/  VRG will accept any current license from a Vintage Motorsport Council member club, also PCA, BMW CCA, SCCA, some three day racing school graduates, and others.  If you don't have this, get in touch with me and with the driver qualification committee of VRG at drivers at vrgonline.org

Generally if your car conforms to vintage specs somewhere it will be allowed to race, though racing slicks are not allowed, nor are Hoosier R6s, if anyone is looking.  Big fiberglass bodywork is also frowned on - you might want to check with one of the VRG tech inspectors and me beforehand.  Generally, the vintage compliance rules are self-policed, but safety inspection (see checklist on VRG website) is thorough.

Paddock - unless you are in the driver's school, you will not be able to get into the paddock until about 5 PM on Weds.  This will be stated in the registration info.
We're going to have dedicated paddock space.  At some point down the road, I'll start asking for rig info.  There are electric hook-ups in the paddock where we will be, so you don't need your generator.  Camping is allowed and there are showers at the track.

Friday FOT dinner - We're putting together a Friday night dinner in the paddock for racers, crew and some other Triumph folks.  Right now, it looks like it will be some really great barbecue/sides from a local restaurant, and a keg of good beer. This is not a freebie - hey, we have no operating budget to speak of - so cost will be about $20/head.  I'd like to gauge interest, so please email me if you think you will participate - state number of drivers/crew.

Saturday dinner is the drivers' dinner at the track, which is part of the entry package through VRG.

Hotels - we've filled the Hampton Inn (34 rooms) and are now working on the other FOT hotel - a great rate at $89/night versus the regular rate of over $130.  You might find cheaper places, but they won't be as nice.  Let me know if you still need a room and i'll provide the hotel info.

Tee Shirts - We've got a great design this year - thanks, Clark Lincoln!  Jim Hassall has graciously volunteered to take on the production and order collecting tasks.  He will also be collecting money for dinner, when we get to that point.  You'll be hearing from Jim on shirts, etc at some point.  

Any questions, let me know.
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